Long term department scientific activities are in first group oriented onto sensors, in second group onto microwave technology and in third group onto radio electronics and communication technology. Department render technical assistance and consultancy for MOD SR, in the field of development and rating of electronic systems.
Project title:
VEGA 1/0853/13, Investigation of microstructural, electrical and optical properties of semiconductor-dielectric systems
Project goals:
Semiconductor-dielectric (s/d) systems with ultra-thin oxide film (quantum effects, strong fields). Theoretical model of development of microstructure, charge states, transport processes and optical properties of s/d interfaces. Experimental investigation of NAOS SiO2/Si systems morphology. Statistical and multifractal model of morphology. Experimental investigation of Q-states development (quantum and multifractal model, C-V, I-V, DLTS). Experimental investigation of optical properties (multi-layer structures). Numerical algorithms (construction and solution of theoretical models, optimalization via experimental data, parameters extraction, multiparametrical analysis). Platform creation for solution of s/d systems (experiment and methods).
Investigator Consortium:
RNDr. Stanislav JUREČKA, PhD., principal investigator, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina, Žilina
doc. Ing. Igor JAMNICKÝ, CSc., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina, Žilina
Ing. Miroslav ĎULÍK, PhD., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina, Žilina
RNDr. Róbert MENKYNA, CSc., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina, Žilina
RNDr. Peter HOCKICKO, PhD., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina, Žilina
Ing. Libor LADÁNYI, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Žilina, Žilina
RNDr. Emil PINČÍK, CSc., Institute of Physics, SAS, Bratislava
doc. RNDr. Mária JUREČKOVÁ, PhD., Institute of Mathematics, SAS, Bratislava
prof. Ing. Ján MUDROŇ, CSc., Academy of Armed Forces of gen. M. R. Štefánik, Liptovský Mikuláš
Project title:
Sensors, sensor systems for military and security applications
Project beginning (MM/YY): 06/12
Project completion (MM/YY):12/14
Granted by: MOD SR
Project goals:
The main goal of the research and development project titled „Sensors, sensor systems for defence and security applications“ was a design and development of experimental sensor systems for detection and eventually localization of security threats based on the MEMS seismic, MEMS acoustic, and magnetic sensors, and also on radiometers.
The project also dealt with the evaluation of designed sensor systems properties within the laboratory and field experiments.
The main part of experiments involved a detection and feature extraction concerning vehicles and personnel, small arms fire, and explosions.
The last part of the project consisted of analysis of experimental results, discussions and recommendations for Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance and security applications of investigated sensor systems.
Research team members:
doc. Ing. Jozef PUTTERA, CSc.,
mjr. Ing. Roman BEREŠÍK, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Zdeněk MATOUŠEK, PhD.,
doc. Ing. Luboš ANTOŠKA, CSc.,
mjr. Ing. Miloš SOTÁK, PhD.,(2012)
Ing. Miloš JEŽEK, (2013)
Ing. Jozef JURČO, (2013-2014)
doc. RNDr. František NEBUS, PhD., (2014)
prof. Ing. Ján KURTY, PhD.(2014)
Project title:
Safe control of non cooperative vehicles through electromagnetic means (SAVELEC)
Project goals:
SAVELEC (EU 7 frame program) aims to provide a solution for the external, safe control of a non cooperative vehicle without any consequences on the persons inside the vehicle or other persons and objects nearby.
The proposed solution is based on the use of electromagnetic means, electromagnetic pulses (EMP) and high power microwaves (HPM), in order to disrupt the proper behaviour of the electronic components inside the vehicle, which will lead it to slow down and stop.
Investigator Consortium:
Instituto de Aplicaciones de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones Avanzadas – Asociación ITACA (ITACA) Spain
German Aerospace Centre (DLR) Germany
MBDA France (MBDA) France
IMST Gmbh (IMST) Germany
Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus (TEIP) Greece
BCB Informática y Control (BCB) Spain
Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) Sweden
Project goals:
This research project (A-0935-RT-GC under “Defence R&T Joint Investment Programme on Force Protection” (A-0120-RT-GC) program, the call “Mission Planning/Training in an asymmetric environment” a “Secured Tactical Wireless Communications” (A-0676-RT-GC)) addresses directly and extensively the capability shortfall related to the reliable selective prevention, control, capture and blocking of adversary mobile communications, with reduced collateral effects, in multi-path environments as urban or mountain areas. It aims at studying and defining an affordable, complete and integrated response to the needs of intercepting, localizing, monitoring, and selectively blocking the threats at the radio interface, in operational and realistic theatres, facing current and new mobile radio-communication technologies.
Investigator Consortium:
Military University of Technology (MUT), Poľsko;
Royal Military Academy (RMA), Belgicko;
Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Holandsko;
Fraunhofer Institut für Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie (FKIE), Germany;
TELETEL, Grécko.
Project title:
New wireless technologies in tactical communication and information systems
Project beginning (MM/YY): 01/07
Project completion (MM/YY): 12/10
Granted by: MO SR
Project goals:
Project addresses possibilities of a new wireless technologies using in tactical communication and information systems of Slovak Armed Forces. The main focus is placed on possibility of WiMAX technology using for building of network enabled capabilities.
Result of the project is WiMAX laboratory for examination of ranges, suitability of using WiMAX technology and examination of resistance against jamming.
Investigator Consortium:
doc. Ing. Martin MARKO, CSc.
doc. RNDr. František NEBUS, PhD.
Ing. Marián BABJAK, PhD.
Ing. Václav KRÁLIK, PhD.
Ing. Peter SIEBERT
Ciele projektu: Vybudovanie systému pre monitorovanie priestorov letiska potenciálne nebezpečných pre letovú prevádzku s cieľom zamedziť stretom lietadiel a vrtuľníkov s vtákmi. Výstupnou informáciou vytvoreného monitorovacieho systému založeného na báze radarových senzorov sú údaje o pohybe vtáctva v priestoroch letiska a na letových cestách.
V rámci riešenia projektu sú analyzované detekčné možnosti radarových senzorov pracujúcich v rôznych frekvenčných pásmach pre kategóriu malých objektov. Projekt je realizovaný v rámci plánovanej výstavby mobilných jednotiek ochrany letísk.
Členovia riešiteľského konzorcia:
Trenčianska univerzita A. Dubčeka, Trenčín (vedúci doc. Ing. Jozef TKÁČ, PhD.),
AOS, Lipt. Mikuláš (vedúci doc. Ing. Ján OCHODNICKÝ, PhD.)
ALES a.s., Trenčín.
Project title:
Sensors against terrorism
Project beginning (MM/YY): 03/07
Project completion (MM/YY):12/08
Granted by: AGA AOS
Project goals:
The main goal of a scientific project titled „Sensors against terrorism“ is to design and realize a smart sensors for security purposes such as perimetric sensors, MEMS sensors, 2D magnetic sensors, sensors for personal identification, sensors for dangerous gases and explosive material detection etc. Important part of this project is an optimization of a methods to achieve effective digital signal processing algorithms and management information methods in a sensor networks. The expected particular contributions are original solutions for special sensors applications and a new software toll for information management in a sensor networks. A propositions for security measures connected to sensor technology is expected as well.
Research team members:
Doc. Ing. Jozef PUTTERA, CSc.
Prof. Ing. Jozef ŠURIANSKY, CSc.
Doc. Ing,. Petr MALÝ, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Marcel HARAKAĽ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Ľuboš ANTOŠKA, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Ľubomír ANDRÁŠ, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Milan OSTROVSKÝ, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Miroslav KASPRZYK, CSc.
Ing. Pavol POLÁK
Kpt. Ing. Aurel SABÓ
Kpt. Ing. Roman BEREŠÍK
Kpt. Ing. Miroslav MIŠKOVIČ
Ciele projektu:
Vykonať systémovo-programový výskum inštitucionálnej organizácie v oblasti vzdelávania s cieľom zvýšenia miery efektívnosti, účelnosti, produktívnosti a časovej, energetickej a nákladovej úspornosti v príprave ľudských zdrojov pre implementáciou a exploatáciou nových komunikačných a infrmačných technológií v mobilnom prostredí (C2 a MOKYS).
Východiskovým cieľom je získanie profesiogramov jednotlivých špecialistov vo vetve profesionálnych dôstojníkov na podporu bojovej činnosti v odbornosti spojovacieho vojska a špecializácií komunikačne–elektronické inžinierstvo, komunikačne-inžinierske operácie a manažment s využitím vybudovania základného segmentu testovacieho a výcvikového pracoviska ako základu pre vedecko-výskumné, pedagogické a výcvikovú stredisko.
Ďalším cieľom je vypracovanie komplexnej štúdie požiadaviek na kvantitatívnu a kvalitatívnu prípravu ľudských zdrojov v krátkodobom, stredovom a dlhodobom horizonte pre radikálnu zmenu vyzbrojenia Ozbrojených síl SR.
Očakávaným výstupom je návrh študijných programov pre všetky stupne (úrovne) požadovaných vzdelaní pre profesionálov Ozbrojených síl SR v súlade s prípravou na ČVO OS SR (NATO).
Členovia riešiteľského kolektívu:
doc. Ing. Martin MARKO, CSc.
Ing. Marián BABJAK, PhD.
RNDr. František NEBUS, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Miroslav LÍŠKA, PhD.
doc. Ing. Ján OCHODNICKÝ, PhD.
doc. Ing. Jozef PUTTERA, PhD.
doc. Ing. Marcel HARAKAĽ, PhD.
doc. Ing. Ján JAKUBEK, CSc.
Ing. Peter SIEBERT,
Ing. Miroslav ĎULÍK, PhD.
Ing. Václav KRÁLÍK, PhD.
Ciele projektu:
Pripraviť návrh efektívneho spôsobu zabezpečenia požiadavky a podkladov pre vypracovanie projektu pre vyzbrojovanie. Analýzu požiadavky vykonať vo forme štúdie realizovateľnosti v súlade so smernicou MO SR č.6/2005.
Členovia riešiteľského kolektívu:
doc. Ing. Ján OCHODNICKÝ, PhD.
doc. Ing. Ján JAKUB, CSc.
Ing. Zdeněk MATOUŠEK, PhD.
Ing. Gabriel CIBIRA
Project title:
High Power Microwave countermeasures
Project beginning (MM/YY): 01/05
Project completion (MM/YY):12/07
Granted by: MOD SR
Project goals:
On the basis of theoretical analysis, NATO partners countries information, experimental measurements with selected commercial and military equipment used in armed forces prepare document that evaluates actual position high power microwave weapons countermeasures.
To prepare methodology for technical measurement and develop strategy for appropriate level countermeasures achievement.
Research team members:
doc. RNDr. František NEBUS, PhD.
prof. Ing. Zdeněk KŮS, CSc.
prof. Ing. Ján KURTY, PhD.
doc. Ing. Martin MARKO, CSc.
doc. Ing. Peter MALÝ, CSc.
doc. Ing. Ján OCHODNICKÝ, PhD.
doc. Ing. Ján JAKUB, PhD.
Ing. Mikuláš ŠOSTRONEK, PhD.
Ing. Marián BABJAK, PhD.
Ing. Zdeněk MATOUŠEK, PhD.,
Ing. Gabriel CIBIRA
Ing. Arnošt HYKEL
Project title:
Radiometry sensor
Project beginning (MM/YY): 01/04
Project completion (MM/YY):12/06
Granted by: MOD SR
Project goals:
The project goal is to summarize latest theoretical knowledge in the radiometry sensors area in the mm frequency range and analysis possible utilization such sensors for Slovakia armed forces.
One of the outputs is the laboratory model of mm radiometer in W frequency band.
Final report is in Academy of Armed Forces library.
Research team members:
Prof. Ing. Ján KURTY, PhD.
Prof. Ing. Zdeněk KŮS, CSc.
RNDr. František NEBUS, PhD.
Ing. Mikuláš ŠOSTRONEK, PhD.
Kpt. Ing. Jaroslav MARKO, PhD.
Doc. Ing. Petr MALÝ, CSc.
Doc. Ing. Jozef JAKUB, CSc.
RNDr. Emil ONDIS, CSc.
Ing. Arnošt HYKEL
Project title:
Project beginning (MM/YY): 01/96
Project completion (MM/YY):12/00
Granted by: MOD SR
To select appropriate methods and means for detection and recognition (classification) ground field military equipment,
To evaluate necessary technology resources necessary for mm wave radar development (applicable for use in smart ammunition, battlefield radars, armoured vehicles active defense,...),
One of the outputs is the laboratory model of mm radar in W frequency band.
Final report is in Academy of Armed Forces library in Liptovsky Mikulas.