The educational process at the Academy of the Armed Forces of General Milan Rastislav Štefánik guarantees the following academic freedoms and academic rights:
the freedom to conduct scientific investigation, research and other creative activities and to publish their results in accordance with generally binding legislation on the protection of classified information,
freedom of teaching, consisting in particular in being open to different scientific opinions, scientific and research methods,
the right to learn while maintaining the free choice of studies within the study programs,
the right to freely express one's opinions during studies in the context of teaching content.
The use of academic freedoms and academic rights must be in accordance with the principles of democracy, humanity and the legal order of the Slovak Republic.
In exercising constitutional rights, academic freedoms and academic rights, restrictions apply to students and employees who are in employment in accordance with Act no. 281/2015 Coll. on the Civil Service of Professional Soldiers of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and on Amendments to Certain Laws, as amended.
Political parties and political movements may not carry out political activities and establish their organizations on the campus of the Academy of the Armed Forces.