„STUDENTS´ SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE - V4 GROUP“ Competition for the best student scientific work
„STUDENTS´ SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE - V4 GROUP“ Competition for the best student scientific work
22 Máj 2023
text: PhDr. Jana VITOVSKÁ, foto: -ds-
22 Máj
25th Student Scientific Conference was held on May 18th 2023 in the Armed Forces Academy of GEN M. R. Stefanik in Liptovský Mikuláš (AFA). It was organized as one of the activities on the occasion of the presidency of the Slovak Republic in the Visegrad Group (July 1st 2022 – June 30th 2023).
54 students presented 51 professional papers (some of which were group work) in 5 professional sections. There were 4 foreign students participating in the competition, 3 from the Faculty of Military Technologies of the University of Defence Brno and 1 from the Military University of Technology from Warsaw.
The goal of the conference was to motivate students to fully develop their potential and demonstrate their analytical skills, abilities to think independently and creatively, communicate and defend their own opinion in the form of a competition. This created a platform for students for a competitive presentation, as well as confrontation of the latest knowledge from military science, technology, social, economic and security fields. The evaluation committees stated that presented works were characterized by inventive ideas, originality, inspiring stimuli and very good level of presentation.
The first places in 5 categories went to 3 cadets from our Armed Forces Academy and 2 cadets from University of Defence Brno.
1st place:
Category Mechanical Engineering – Martin KLIMES (University of Defence Brno), The effect of changing the temperature of the vacuum hardening process on the properties of the layer
Category Electronics – Lubos VIDIECAN (Armed Forces Academy of GEN M. R. Stefanik), Automatic measurement of the sizes of VACH of unipolar transistors using a microprocessor
Category Informatics I – Systems and Applications – Bianca BADIOVA (Armed Forces Academy of GEN M. R. Stefanik), Anomaly detection using artificial intelligence methods
Category Informatics II – Network Devices and Communication – Michal CERVENY (University of Defence Brno), System for detecting malware operation on windows endpoint
Category Social Sciences; National and International Security – Jozef LENHART (Armed Forces Academy of GEN M. R. Stefanik), Chinese threats to Europe and their possible solutions
We congratulate all students and look forward to next mutual "measurement of forces", healthy competition, which ultimately contributes to the development of relations not only with the University of Defense in Brno, but also with other military universities of the Visegrad 4.