Specialized courses for operators of unmanned aircraft systems
Specialized courses for operators of unmanned aircraft systems
12 Júl 2024
12 Júl
In the facilities of the Simulation Centre of the Armed Forces Academy, in May and June, professional courses for operators of unmanned aircraft systems (hereinafter referred to as "UAS") in the qualification category BUQ I-II were conducted. The courses were conducted in accordance with international requirements reflecting the implementation of binding documents. One of them is "STANAG 4670 Minimum Training Requirements For Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operators And Pilots", according to which all applicants for the UAS operator license are obliged to safely operate UAS in the airspace of the Slovak Republic, including the application of the principles of its flexible use, on the basis of the mandated criteria.
The courses were divided into three modules. The first module was focused on general operator training, in which the participants were introduced to the basics of electrical engineering, aerodynamics, avionics, meteorology and aviation phraseology. The second module focused on the planning process and mission preparation in Slovak airspace conditions, as well as military legislation, norms and military standards. After the block intensive training, the knowledge of the participants was tested in the form of a test in accordance with the criteria of the national military authority, the Office of Military Aviation of the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic.
After successful completion of the theoretical examination, the participants continued with the third module of the course. This focused on the practical execution of flight missions, including the use of synthetic environments. Under the supervision of instructors, members of a certified training organization for operators of unmanned aircraft systems, the final examination was conducted in the form of real use of UAS in the airspace of the Slovak Republic.
These activities were also attended by the Vice-rector for scientific and expert activities of the University of Defence Brno, Colonel doc. Ing. Ján Bořil, Ph.D, who highlighted the high professional and expert level of the courses.