Representatives of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina visited our AFA.
Representatives of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina visited our AFA.
11 Okt 2022
text: pplk. Ing. Martin Chovanec PhD., foto:-ds-
11 Okt
During 3 days - October 4th- 6th 2022, five representatives of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina (AF BiH) visited the Armed Forces Academy of General Milan Rastislav Stefanik (AFA) as part of the NATO DEEP (Defense Education Enhancement Program).
The visit was carried out on the basis of the approved activity plan of the NATO DEEP BiH program and was aimed at presenting the system of career education for officers in the Slovak Armed Forces.
The delegation led by COL Slaven Blavicki, Commander of the Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) of the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina, was welcomed on the grounds of the AFA by the Vice-Rector for Education, COL Aurel Sabó and the Director of Rectorate, LTC Martin Chovanec, who is also NATO DEEP BiH Academic Lead.
After the initial presentation on the structure and mission of the AFA, the visitors were introduced to the individual departments that are involved in the career education of officers (National Courses Department and International Courses Department), as well as the Simulation Center of the AFA. During the discussions, the guests were interested in the system of planning and organizing of courses, the involvement and selection of internal and external Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), students’ evaluation and feedback from Slovak Armed Forces, as well as capacities and capabilities of the simulation center.
COL Blavicki introduced AF BiH during his lecture at Advanced Command and Staff Course, in which he focused on the structure, main tasks and their experience from the international evaluation exercise of the battalion group of AF BiH.
AFA has been involved in the DEEP program in BiH since 2019 as one of several military educational and training institutions, which directly focus on the career education of the officers of AF BiH.