IPJO 8 – Introduction to the planning of joint operations course
IPJO 8 – Introduction to the planning of joint operations course
14 Sep 2022
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14 Sep
IPJO - "Introduction to the planning of joint operations course" was held for the 8th time as "NATO approved" course on Sept. 5th – 9th 2022 in the premises of International Courses Department (ICD) conducted by instructors from that department. As it is a course that reflects the requirements of NATO, it was also attended by 7 members from partner countries, namely from Pakistan, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Colombia.
The course is NATO approved and reflects military requirements for standardization of operations planning within NATO, focuses on operations planning at operational level and reflects the process at military-strategic level.
The aim of this short-term course was to familiarize participants with NATO doctrines and procedures and to prepare them for the NATO planning process. The graduates of the course have gained the knowledge, which enables them to work within the Joint Operational Planning Group at the International Headquarters and to prepare operational plans that include all relevant factors for effective and successful execution of joint NATO operations and help to implement the planning processes in practice.
Rector of AFA, Assoc. Prof. Jozef Puttera himself, came to the closing ceremony of the course, and in his speech introduced the Armed Forces Academy of gen. M. R. Stefanik in Liptovsky Mikulas to foreign students and expressed his pleasure that we were able to receive representatives from countries whose representatives were here for the first time in history. He wished all the graduates of the course to be able to utilize the gained knowledge the best possible way in practice. The foreign students themselves highly rated the quality of the course and warm welcoming in Slovakia.