International course "BASIC ATC PROCEDURE COURSE II"
International course "BASIC ATC PROCEDURE COURSE II"
21 Feb 2023
text a foto: pplk. Žentek
21 Feb
An International course "BASIC ATC PROCEDURE COURSE II" was implemented through the Simulation Center of Armed Forces Academy of Gen. M. R. Stefanik, from January 30th till February 10th, 2023. The course was completed by six students from the University of Defense Brno.
During the course, its participants had the opportunity to undergo training in a synthetic environment, where they practiced the basics of providing an area control service, approach control service as well as tower control service in selected virtual air space. The synthetic environment of the Training Organization for Air Traffic Controllers in Liptovský Mikuláš is the only one of its kind in the conditions of the Slovak Republic and is used for the mandatory training of all military air traffic controllers in the Slovak Armed Forces.
At the same time, on the basis of a bilateral agreement and the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic and the Army of the Czech Republic, research tasks and testing dealing with the development and verification of methods for the selection and training of military personnel, especially in situations of extreme stress, were solved during the course. The implementation of this parallel activity was ensured by the Scientific and Service Department of Physical Education and Sports – “CASRI” using a radar simulator. During the selected time unit, the following physiological manifestations were monitored: peripheral blood flow, pulse frequency, muscle tension on the left and right trapezius muscles, skin galvanic resistance, peripheral temperature, respiratory rate and the ratio of abdominal and thoracic breathing. The results of the mentioned testing serve to increase the efficiency of performance while maintaining the required level of safety in the provision of air traffic control services.
The use of the synthetic environment of the Training Organization for Air Traffic Controllers in Liptovský Mikuláš significantly increases the readiness of the Slovak Armed Forces to fulfill the tasks and obligations of the Slovak Republic in peacetime, as well as in case of deployment to resolve a war conflict on a national and international scale.