As part of the EU project "Interdisciplinary Education and Training on Hybrid Threats", a working session related to the testing of the training methodology took place at the Bar-IIan University (specifically the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies) in Tel Aviv on July 2nd - 5th, 2023.
The goal of the entire project is to prepare an online course for university students in European Union countries, on the issue of hybrid threats, which will contain 29 modules. A “lighter” version of the online course is planned for high school students.
To test the educational methodology, 7 topics were selected, which were presented to the 2nd and 3rd level university students from educational institutions involved in the project, specifically from Israel, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia.
Armed Forces Academy of GEN M. R. Stefanik’s (AFA) Vice-rector for Science, Assoc. Prof. Boris Ďurkech and a member of the Department of Military Tactics and Operational Art of AFA, MAJ Milan Turaj, PhD., together with other speakers from Israel, Hungary, Romania and Italy presented parts of the project. After the lectures, students were divided into 4 international teams, in which they solved the selected issue of hybrid threats using the SWOT method and then presented the results of the analysis. Our 4th year cadets, Tomáš Polonec, Erik Seman, Tomáš Šmigura, Matúš Janok and Branislav Suvák actively participated in the preparation of presentations of the outputs of individual international teams.
The working group meeting was aimed at evaluation of the current state of the preparation of partial tasks of the project and the preparation of planned tasks for next period. One of the planned and carrying tasks of the project, which will take place at AFA in January 2024, will be the beta testing of the structure and content of an online course interconnected with a mixed study program for students with a simulation exercise in the premises of the AFA Simulation Center.